Wednesday, March 30, 2011

WW: Hee Haw

Meet the donkeys...Ester is looking at ya and Hester is in the background. We actually have a third donk named Sally but she was being a little camera shy that day.

Mom Blogs

Monday, March 28, 2011

Farming While Pregnant

I think this should be forbidden! LOL  This is a fairly new experience for me because I somehow got out of everything when pregnant with Emily.  How different people think when you are on your second calf.  It is funny that now-a-days people think it is a sin to move or basically do any manual labor while pregnant when not too many years ago women would work in the fields right up to when that kid popped out.  The past few weeks we have been really up after a storm, having lambs and mending fences.  There was a point after walking up a hill for maybe the millionth time with a 2 year old tagging along that I thought, do people really do this anymore?  I would venture a guess and say there are very few of us.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

i ♥ faces Slice of Life

Emily's Wish List

Yesterday Hank and Emily went over to Shelbyville to pay for some repairs that needed to be made to the tractor.  They were so happy to see each other....

And while there, Hank Emily made a little wish list!

I believe that I can safely say that the big new cab tractor will not happen any time soon. (Well, maybe if Hank wins the lottery)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Madness Has Begun...

Well, it is that time of year again....lambing season.  Let me tell you that Emily is straight up having the time of her life!!  So many bouncy little things to play with!

So far we have had two singles, four sets of twins and a set of triplets.
We are so proud of our 185% lamb crop with a 100% survival rate! Yay

They are all doing well so far (knock on wood) and seem to be pretty hardy and healthy.  Having to put up with Emily hugging all over them they are doing very well.
After they are born we weigh them, tag them, band their tails and if they are a boy we band them...lets just say "elsewhere".
You can see our biggest lamb, Timmy, peeking out of the bucket that is hung from a scale so we can get a fairly accurate reading on their birth weight. 
He is actually our biggest so far weighing in at a whopping 18 lbs.
After getting everyone settled in Emily and Hank climbed up into the hay to through some down for the ol girls.
And how else would a two year old get down?
But to take a flying leap off the bales into Uncle Nick's waiting arms.
Thank goodness he is a good catch! LOL
All is well and everyone is happy here on the farm.  More pictures and updates to come as more of our ewes lamb out.