Tuesday, May 17, 2011

WW: Horses, Horses, Horses

Ding-a-ling-a-lang...o.k., most of you probably won't get that but it is from a movie.  These are our horses that are patiently waiting for me to have this baby and get back in the saddle.

Mom Blogs


  1. Now that is a lot of horses! So pretty too! My kiddos would love it to have that amount of horses around. My Mom has a horse and they get to ride him sometimes, but nothing like I did when growing up WITH horses. Always loved the smell of a clean barn. All that hay!

    Take care!

  2. Awwwww! Love your horses! I bet you're as anxious as they are to have you riding again, eh? ;)

    WW: Curriculum Fair Fun with YoYo's
